Friday, September 30, 2011

Eating Habits

Okay so my eating habits aren't perfect but I do the best I can on a student budget. I am pretty sure that my biggest concern everyday is, "What will I eat and When will I get to eat it!"

So here's a mini food diary for the past couple of weeks. I tried to be chronological but my motivation ran out. Sorry. Also I would like to apologize in advance for not turning some of the pictures the correct way. Copy and past previous excuse and place here.

This is called a Mozartkugel, if you ever come to Austria it is mandatory that you eat one of these, because Austria is the birth place of Mozart. 

This is what my friend called a Bosnian or maybe it was Bulgarian Hot Dog. It is some sort of wiener with fresh onions and curry powder sprinkled on top. Awesome.

I made it to a grocery store and I bought myself some supplies. I made up some sort of chicken, broccoli pasta. It was so good...first home cooked meal in Austria.

This is called well obviously, Lion. It is like a nougat Kit-Kat with caramel and wrapped in a Crunch bar.

I bought this at the local grocery store bakery. It looked so gross that I just had to buy it to see how it tasted. Guys it was soo good. That pink fluff is strawberry flavored whipped cream and it wasn't artificially flavored. It tasted like actual strawberries! Then they wrapped it up in a crepe pancake thing, drizzled it with chocolate. Best thing ever.

After a little trip to the grocery store this is what I picked up. Doppelkek Rolls, maracuja yogurt, and off brand Nutella. Guys everything here is quality, even the cheap generic brands. And I can't stop eating those doppelkek cookies... I literally can't stop.

In the International group we have been having parties featuring food from home countries. Well one night was Korean night and my friend Kim made these. They are Tuna, corn and onion cakes. Sounds strange but so delicious! She told me how she did it and I made them myself for dinner the other night.  Easy and inexpensive.

In case anyone is interested in how to make these you take a can of tuna and drain it really well, put chopped onion and canned corn, with 1-2 eggs (depending on how big they are) and some flour. Then with a little oil in your pan fry them till they are golden brown.

This is some sort of Kosher Jewish treat. It's like a home made fig newton. It was pretty good, as good as a home made fig newton can get. 50 cents and I have no regrets

Bought it at a cafe in the old WW2 Jewish ghetto in Venice, Italy.

On the island of Lido right off of Venice. This is where you will find the best priced gelato and some beautiful beaches to eat them on. This is mint chocolate chip gelato. Amazing.

That look on my face says, "I'm gonna eat SO much gelato in
the next  24 hours" and I did...

This is Chocolate, can't go wrong with a classic. But if you are ever in Italy and looking at all the chocolates go for the ones that really go look fancy, they have a better chocolate taste, at least that was my experience.

Mmm Chocolate.

This one was called Nutella. I had high hopes for it..but I was let down. It was my last day and I was not willing to leave on a poor note. Hence my last gelato... 

Cremino...ohh my goodness. It was wonderful..beautiful! I should have gotten two scoops. (though the boat ride following would have punished me for it)

Pizza, you have to get pizza when you go to Italy right? 
Well I accidentally ordered pepperoni pizza, not what I had intended. But my friend ordered a great pizza with fresh herbs and tomatoes (uncooked) on top. We wound up trading pizzas. The oh so classic Italian waiters were kind enough to box the leftovers so we could finish it on the night train.

Delicious dinner courtesy of Planet Restaurant in Venice, Italy.

Well there was so much more but those were basically the highlights. Lately I have been on a sandwich kick so maybe I'll start documenting them so I can share the warm and comforting food love. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Epic fail blogger and Austria 101

Sorry about my epic fail as a blogger, do forgive me blog.

So here I am in a little village in Austria pretending to be a design student. Lots of stories right? Eh yeah I guess.

Here's a little I have learned about Austria.

For one the trains and buses are always always on time, sometimes ever early!! And on evenings and Sundays they run with less frequency, so DO NOT miss your train. Or you will hate life. You will have to wait a minimum of 30 minutes.

Secondly, basically all business close around twelve for an hour or two everyday, because Hey they want a lunch break too! Nice for them, a pain in the butt for me.

Stores also close daily at about six or seven on weekdays, Saturday expect even shorter business hours and on Sunday don't expect anything to be open except a church. Which I guess is a good thing, but what if you really Really REALLY need something?

Three words: The Metric System.

Know your military time, 'cause that's what they use over here.

But hey if you are a fan of organic, fresh, quality made food this is the place to be. Everything here even the cheapo generic brands taste 15x's better than the American version.

More to come..hopefully. I gotta go party it up.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Food Glorious Food

There are so many things I want to learn to cook. I am a little stuck on what I should cook next. There are so many options and then once I know what I am going to cook I have to find a good recipe. Here are the options.

  • Cucumber sandwiches; like the ones you see in movies with English tea
  • Breads (rye, sourdough...?)
  • Awesome french toast recipe I found on another blog
  • Pickle soup (maybe just to see what the heck it is)
  • Poached eggs (it's harder than you'd think)
  • My mother's to-die-for Minestrone
  • Waffles, and when I say waffles I mean that I want to find an amazing recipe, one that will blow you out of the water, because waffles are amazing. And for all of those who think there is no difference between waffles and pancakes I will write a section explaining this as well.
Okay, cucumber sandwiches sound pretty delicious. I'll make those first, it'll ease me back into cooking.

Here's a picture of someone else's sandwiches, but don't they look good? Cool, fresh and perfect for summer? I'll put up my own pictures but these people had a nice camera and I want you all to appreciate how pretty they are.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summertime is Here

Summer is here... I think. In Utah you can never be sure. Curse you Utah. Well the birds are singing and I am now working everyday at two different care centers. I have never worked full time before. 40 hours is a lot of time.

I work a lot of graveyard shifts that go from around ten at night till seven in the morning. Working that shift is kind of like living in the Twilight Zone! Everything is backwards, you eat a meal in the middle of the night. Even though it is not what I am used to I am really starting to like it.

I am getting wayyyy excited to leave for Europe in 3 months! I still have a million things to do and a ton of money to earn. I am just worried that things won't work out, it seems like a trip to Europe is not something that I could ever achieve. It was always a dream, and a lot of times people tell you dreams are not realistic so don't get your hopes up. I guess I still have some of that ringing through my head.

I think I'll try to be productive now.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Guten tag - German Part 1

My goal this summer (other than earn a ton of money) is to at least start learning the German language. I checked out every "Learn German" cd pack and book from the library. I started one of them this week and man this language is easy yet very difficult at once. 
Deutsch is pronounced completely
 different than you would expect. It does not sound at
all like an American word you may be thinking of.

Right now the word I can not pronounce correctly is                              
It's like, Shchpr-eken.

Which is a train wreck coming out of my mouth.

Things I find difficult about the language.
  1. All the back in the throat sounds
  2. The invisible "R". They sound out their "r" like Utahns say their "t's".
  3. They have masculine and feminine wording. For example if I want to say my nationality, or a street or a plaza you use different "the's" and different endings. I guess I just have to memorize what is feminine and what is masculine
Things I like about the language.
  1. There are many similarities in the sound of words like; here, is , and, yes. I love those words! 
  2. I sound like a character from some exciting European movie. (Well I think I do.)
  3. It is totally new to me, no background.
Anyway I don't think that after all these tapes I will be fluent, but hopefully have some sort of understanding of the language. Maybe be able to read it? I sure hope so. 

Everyone tells me that, "Everyone speaks English there!" but I know that is impossible and I am sure that they would rather be speaking German than English. So I want to learn the language. Actually my goal is to become fluent or at least close to it.  

How much German I speak as of now
I can say, hello, how are you? I speak a little German, I understand a little German. Do you speak English/German? Are you American/German? Where is this street/square? Goodbye, yes, no, please, pardon, and good. 

Pretty good start I'd say. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Austria is becoming a reality

A couple months ago I decided that I was going to go to Europe. I have always wanted to and I decided next fall, I will. I signed up for the study abroad program and decided on Salzburg, Austria!!! So beautiful!
Can you imagine?... Living there?

This very weekend I send my information to the school and register for classes! Wow this is really happening, I am really going! I will LIVE in Austria for like four months!

It's not going to be easy getting there though... I need around $8,000 dollars. That's money I don't have...yet. I am planning on working full time this summer, maybe get two jobs if I have too. And a loan if worse comes to worse.

BUT happy news came in the form of an email. An email letting me know that I was awarded a Study Abroad Scholarship! AHHHH dreams come true!! It's not a huge one but any amount even if small compared to the total amount needed I am so grateful for the boost it gives me.

Well everybody it seems I am going to Austria this fall, I guess I better start learning German. Wish me luck!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Okay I know I  just posted and I was very serious about my stress and my work. BUT! I came across this right afterwards and I couldn't keep something like this to my self. Ready for this?

 It is called Dali the Llama.
I found this at

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Get it?! Dali is that amazing surrealist, Dalai lama is the Buddist leader (according to wikipedia).  Bring it all together and we get this masterpiece, hahaha!

Well I thought it was funny.

So I have a thing for llamas and cows. I am not sure when and how this strange little interest began but I find them love-able even if they are stinky. Don't laugh but it is a dream of mine to one day ride a llama...and a cow. Not at the same time of course, but really! When it happens, this blog will surely get the post with picture documentation of the epic event. 

Stressed to the Maxx with Finals Drawing Near

Let's just say I am so stressed it has manifested in many physical ways. Uhg... It would not be so bad if I didn't have seven chapters of medical terminology left. I know you are all thinking, "that is your own fault!". Seriously though, have some compassionate for me. I was studying for Biology and Math all semester long! Well now I am on a 24/7 work schedule. I will not rest or sleep until I am done and prepared for this semester to end with a GPA I can be proud of.

No matter how sick, how tired, how hungry, how mean, how dead I become....I WILL prevail.

Perseverance is key.

So here we go...the final countdown *music starts playing*
      Exactly two weeks to accomplish my goal.

I wrote that post on 4/21 and now I am writing on 4/22
Help. Coming home for the weekend has distracted me more than I had imagined, the dog snuffling around the house, the cat whining, my little brother talking on xbox live, a melancholy heart.... I haven't done as much homework as I thought I would. Prayers my friends, I need prayers. Well if you, (anyone who is reading this) is willing to offer some up for me, it would be truly and sincerely appreciated.

Soon it will be summer, and I will get back on my little theme of discovery and adventure, so tune in next time!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Art and Expression of a Letter

I have recently started to write letters, you know the kind that are hand written on paper, stick in an envelop and entrust to the mail man. (Though I am starting to doubt his competency.) When I drop a letter into the mailbox I feel this exploding excitement and suspense!

Here are the reasons why I love a letter

1. They are a form of art
2. They are personal
3. No instant gratification...the suspense is like waiting for Christmas all December    
4. They give a feeling of love to the reader, well at least this is how I experience it.

Letters have Personality. I mean just look at that thing.
They are not the uniform type on a screen that we all receive multiple times a day. It is that person putting themselves on paper. They express their feelings through the way their handwriting is thrown out there or thoughtfully and carefully laid to rest on the page.

A letter can hold a physical picture to hold. They can also be livened up with drawings, stickers, or anything you want. That is WAY more interesting than any email you could ever get. You can express yourself with so many more mediums, why limit yourself to type font, emoticons, and attachments?

Also, I always feel much more connected to the person I get a letter from. They touched that letter with their hands and their thoughts physically lay on the page. More and more I am finding that electronic messages are so impersonal. You can hide in every way, behind the ever so perfect type face and any excuse like, "oh my phone died". I don't feel like I am actually reaching that person, the conversation starts to feel like a dialogue from some strange book appearing on my screen, only fiction and fantasy, not a real person. And so I find myself far removed from the comfort of human connection.

I know this is slightly off topic, but there is something I have begun to realize lately, we all need to feel a connection with someone. Even if it is with only one person. You do this by being yourself, letting that other person see the real you. Which scares so many people. This is how we all have 500 facebook friends, it's all fake. We act how we think others want us to be and when you leave that conversation, you feel as if it was only air, you don't feel any closer to that person. It was fake with nothing of substance; you know it and they know it.

(aaand we're back)

 I know everyone loves that feeling when you reach into the mail box and pull out a letter instead of advertisements. For me it is a complete thrill, like a present I can't wait to open and a warm feeling of being loved. I have received a letter recently and it has had me thinking about why they are so special. They mean a lot to me; that person took the time to hand write a message just for me and pay the postage to get it to me.

I used to write to my Grandpa and still have a book filled with his letters. I love it, I love the way his handwriting seems like it will fly off the page or the eagle feather he put in it. Now I have begun to write to others too, and I love it even more.

I guess I wrote all this because I really wanted to share my thoughts on letters and how their simplicity seems to be underrated now a days. And maybe I just wanted to see if anyone else feels the same way.

Lately I feel that somehow modern communication has lost its humanity...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Motivation. It's hard to come by these days

Well guys, the semester is starting to come to an end, there is only one month left. You think this would life my spirits and give me energy to do what must be done. Nope. I am sitting in my little apartment thinking, "I want Taco Bell, then a movie, Ooh then research for my next blog post, and I am DEFINITELY not going to do my homework or study for any sort of big and important test." Yep, reeeaal motivated, a shining example to my peers.

Luckily I was able to drag myself to Taco Bell and get some burritos and awesome Baja blue Mountain Dew. For some reason caffeine makes me feel focused and I immediately can take on anything. I am feeling the caffeine kick in, time to take advantage of that feeling and do some statistics homework.

OH and speaking of blog research...

I am in search of the perfect topic to learn about for my next blog post. I am thinking Mozart piano solo, graphic design, orrrr maybe a really famous artist. The first two are very appropriate, seeing as I will (hopefully) be studying abroad in Salzburg, Austria for a semester this fall. For your information, Salzburg is the home town of Mozart, but there is also a good chance I will be studying graphic design at the University (random, I know).

The fate of my blog will probably lie in the ever capable hands of Eeny, Meeny, Miny and Moe.

*Strangely this makes me think of a Justin Bieber song. I feel my motivation wavering I better go now.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Julia Child's Spinach Turnover Experience

A couple weeks ago I was inspired by the movie, Julie and Julia. It's all about Julia Child and her cooking. Ever since I have had the strongest desire to buy her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking and learn how to really cook.

Not having enough money to buy the book, I looked up episodes of her old cooking show, The French Chef. She had me hooked! I decided on the spinach turnover; not too hard but definitely the do-able challenge I was looking for.

So here's how I made it!

I began by making pastry dough. I found my mom's favorite electric mixer recipe. It makes enough dough for two 9 inch pie crusts.

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 2/3 cups of shortening
  • 6 tablespoons of ice cold water

I mixed the flour, salt, and shortening in the mixer until the shortening had made pea sized clumps. Slowly I mixed in the water, making sure not to over mix the dough. (Mom warned me of that) I have to say I think that a little more shortening would have made the dough better. If anyone tries this let me know what you did. Once the dough was mixed I wrapped it and put it in the fridge.

Now Julia says you can use fresh or frozen spinach. Well I decided to use fresh, for the experience's sake. I de-stemmed and cleaned the spinach  (about 2 cups). I dropped the spinach into boiling water and left them there until they were limp (around 3-4 min.), then put them in icy cold water. This is called blanching. Once the spinach is blanched, chop your spinach. Here's some advice to anyone who would like to try this, just go for frozen spinach. It is a much quicker process and gives you the same thing. It is already blanched and probably pre-chopped for you, so save yourself the trouble.
Freshly blanched spinach. It was a pain but is such a beautiful green.

Next saute the mushrooms and ham. I made up my own amounts since Julia so kindly forgot to mention them. I am glad she didn't, because I am not a fan of mushrooms. For my turnover I didn't cook very many and chopped them fine so that I could forget they were there. I cooked each of these separate so they could develop their own individual flavors. That is what she recommends in this episode.

Now in a pot, cook around 1 cup of onion (next time I might use a tiny bit more) in 2 tablespoons of butter. Cooking them until they are very soft. Then put 1/2 the onions with the spinach in a different pot. Adding to the other half of the onions,  1/2 cup flour and 1 1/3 cups of milk; mix well with a whisk. No lumps. Put this pot over heat and beat the mixture as it comes to a boil. This is NOT supposed to be lumpy, I had to put some muscle into it. It will be a thick mixture, take off the heat and mix 1 egg, a 1/2 teaspoon of salt, pepper and just a tad of nutmeg to keep 'em guessing. Put about a 1/2 cup of this sauce into the spinach mixture over a very low heat for 8-10 minutes just to finish cooking the spinach.

Next is to finish the sauce so we can serve it with the turnover. Over heat, mix cream into the sauce to thin it out. You want it thin enough to easily serve but not drip off the plate. Once you have it at your preferred viscosity take it off he heat, clean the sauce off the sides with a rubber spatula and float cream on the top of the sauce This is to keep it from forming a skin. Top it off with about a 1/3 cup of shredded Swiss cheese. Let it slowly melt. I would wait until you are almost ready to serve before finishing the sauce, because you want it to stay warm and the cheese still melted.
      *To float the cream put cream on a spoon and spread the cream over the entire surface*

Next we need to form the dough. Roll the dough into a rectangle, the dough being about 1/4 inch thick. (I had wished that my recipe had made a little more dough. I'm not sure how modify it though.) I trimmed the sides with a knife so that my dough had straight edges, as if it had been cut out by a cookie cutter. Then place on a baking sheet.

Now the fun parts!

Beat one egg yoke and wipe it all over the inside of the dough, cover it thoroughly. Then on one half of the dough put a thin layer of your spinach mixture, carefully leaving a border of dough. Just enough to enclose your filling. This is followed by a thin layer of ham, then mushroom and a final layer of spinach. You don't want it to be piled too high because you have to fold the other half of  the dough over it and be able to seal it shut. Less really is more! Gently seal the edges with a fork by pressing the two edges together and then pull the excess dough upward blending it into the top. Then paint the dough with an egg glaze.
       *An egg glaze is 1 egg beaten with 1 teaspoon of water*

Decorations! Yep it is a decorated turnover, verrry fancy. Whatever dough you didn't use on your rectangle you can use to decorate the top. I cut mine into strips and placed them in a design I liked. Once those are on, you do a finishing layer of egg glaze. You want it to be beautiful so make sure the edges are neat.
It may not seem very neat or perfect, but it is harder than you would think!!

Place on the middle rack of a 400 degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until it is brown and feels crisp. I had to cook mine the full thirty minutes.

Serve in slices with your oh so delicious cream and cheese sauce!

This was so fun to make and the end product just as enjoyable. Oh yummm.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Delays and more Delays

I feel bad I have yet to blog my first experience, but I am a little overwhelmed by my life. I am getting together all my study abroad things... SO MUCH. And struggling with the decision of where to go. Then to top it all off I traveled eleven hours in a car filled with cigarette smoke to go my dad's wedding to a woman I met once. I am now forced to make friends with not only her but all her children (greeeat) and help set up this ridiculous event. Can I go home yet? Good thing they don't know this blog exists. Even if they did, OH WELL. I am at the end of my little rope. It is time for all this insanity to end.

Once it starts to simmer down, I'll be sure to share my cooking adventure. Poor blog, so neglected and alone.

**in her defense she did buy us panda express, made us a huge dinner and gave us beds, but that does not change my feelings**

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time for an upgrade in blog quality. Blog version 2.0!

Lately I have been evaluating my blog and I am not satisfied. Up until now I didn't really have a direction mostly splashing around, and being naive about blogs in general. So I started checking out other blogs, blogs people actually LIKE to read. Seeing as I am writing one I should probably read some.

As I dug through blogs I started seeing things I like and things I wanted to do with my own blog. Smack! Inspiration hit me. Now it is not very clear cut but here's the idea. I am going to pick a topic every month or two weeks, learn all about it and share it. I want to focus on; art, bands, piano and viola solos, cooking, technology, and books/poems. If I find anything else that grabs my curiosity it surely will be thrown in there.

This blog will provide me with the creative outlet I am in dreadful need of. See I do ALL math and science courses. So this will be the place for me to keep my sanity and learn the things I've always wanted to. (you'd never find these topics in a biology major's course list) Then comes the question why I am a biology major? Well I'm not completely sure of those reasons myself.

Alright, so I will be OObber busy until this Friday so I will be posting the first topic sometime after that!

This is a Ray Johnson collage. I thought that a 
collage was an appropriate metaphor for the blog.
(look it's already getting interesting!) 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today: A new perspective, public tears, and inspiration from the Italian Stallion!

My new perspective on life came to me last night while I was pondering my unhappiness with life. My complaint is that going through the motions each day is NOT living. Sure I may be alive but I don't feel like this is what life should be like. So the question that arises is, What is living? Then it came to me. 

Living is finding:
  • Happiness
  • Adventure/Excitement
  • Love
  • Accomplishment
  • Gratitude
In each and everyday. At least that is my own personal definition. 

Well 'finding' is a verb, an action word. So it is my responsibility to search for these things in each day. All of those characteristics of living can be found in everyday, I just have to look for them. 

My personal challenge is to ask myself each day, what was happy, adventurous, loving, accomplished today? And what am I grateful for? It is my hope that I will start realizing these things without intentionally asking myself and see if I feel like I am living a full life.

After such an inspirational thought, you may be thinking...."public tears?". Well yes it is possible to have negative things happen in the midst of a full life. Sigh. To keep a long story short, I am in Math 1040, Statistics. I have always struggled in math, and this class is no different. Two weeks ago I started preparing for the second test; making flash cards, going to the free tutoring lab with my homework. I really put an effort into studying for this test. Well the test rolled around, I knew I had prepared the best I could. Second problem in I hit an issue, from there it is panic! Time is running out, and my mind is blinded with fear. I get 10 of  20 problems done. I know I missed some of those as well. Hot tears started to burn my eyes in the classroom but I held off the sobs until I left the room. I sobbed for an hour or so. 

I emailed my professor searching for a way to salvage my grade, willing to do anything! The only response I received was, "there was a problem with the test, we'll talk in class Monday". Not a comfort. Fast-forward to today (Wednesday), he hands back the tests explaining that three of the problems didn't offer the correct answer and that the test was made too long for the period of time given. To make it up to us he would be giving us an automatic 15 points for the three questions and would offer an extra credit work sheet to balance out the other injustices. I knew right away that wouldn't be enough to save my grade. 

As he handed me my test I felt like I had accepted my failure, that I was so zen and ready to move on and work harder. I looked at my score....50.....50 out of 100. I thought to myself, "Okay, I don't feel very upset, I knew this was coming, there is always a solution!". When class ended a friend and I talked about the test. The professor came up to me to comment on the class today and ask how I felt about the test. I told him, I knew I failed, so it wasn't unexpected. He asked me how it happened... did I over study? Now this is where the story gets good, so hold onto your bloomers people.

This is the point where the wall holding back all my frustration, disappointment and sadness crumbled. I told him, "I don't know, I can't really talk about this right now or else I'll cry." At which point I begin to cry... of course. My professor goes on to apologize and ask if he can get me a tissue. They are starting to really flow now and I am mad for letting them fall so easily. I quickly and kindly decline the afore said tissue and say I'll be in to discuss the test in your office tomorrow. I then proceed to leave his presence and the OH SO public Science building foyer, ASAP.  

I can't believe I cried in front of my professor! Real mature....real adult like! He probably thinks I'm a big baby, not ready to take on such an adult experience. Well whether he thinks that or not, it isn't true! Those tears fell for a perfectly sound reason. I put my all into studying for that test, and used every resource I knew! I honestly don't know what more I could have done to prepare for that test! And for me to have gotten an F...It crushed me. 


I always believed that if I gave it my all, using all my resources there is no way I could fail. To be proven wrong was a severe blow to my self esteem. My best was not good enough. Even at this moment I am struggling to make it through my math assignments, trying not to let this horrible defeat stop me in my tracks. I know that to give up now would be the ultimate failure. There is still a very small window of hope of getting an A. I guess as long as there is a probability of success I will keep giving my all. I have to tell you all (All .5 people that read this) that this is the most difficult part, getting up and washing the blood and dirt off to try again. 

In a way this math class can be compared to the movie, Rocky I. Yes, Rocky. The most inspiring and epic boxing movie the world has seen. The one to a million odds, Cadence VS Math 1040. I go in strong knowing it'll be the fight of my life. The fight is about half way through, I am bloody, bruised, and fatigued... but success can still be mine. If only I can push through, get back up after a hard hits, and fight against the odds, I'll come out a Champ! 

I gotta say, if I make it through this math class with an A, I deserve to have the Rocky theme song played as raise my fist in the air. Blaring trumpets, choirs and all....*dreamy expression*. 

"Trying hard now, It's so hard now, Trying hard now...
Getting strong now, Won't be long now, Getting strong now...
Gonna fly now!
                         Flying high now!
                                                   Gonna fly, fly, fly!!!"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I was going to rant...until I saw this

Thanks to Conner I can't stop randomly laughing out loud (in rather inappropriate places) after seeing this clip. I was NOT having a good day today. I slept through my biology class, had headache all day, and still need to figure out this stupid service project I put myself in charge of. After all that I found that a three second clip of a cat can break the tension of a bad day. Note to self: use this technique in the future.

The clip is called, Hungry Cat Snack FAIL
*Not for the faint of heart (or stomach), but those who have a querky sense of humor.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And the award for best supporting man goes to....


Well for all of you out there wondering why such a prestigious award was handed out tonight, here's why. First he is my #1 follower. (One out of two total followers! But still, that says something right there). Secondly, when I am searching for any kind of help, he does whatever he can. Then I in turn pridefully don't accept the help but then whine for help! Leaving the poor guy in a vicious cycle of trying to support me the best he can, while I seem to push him away. What valiant effort in a losing fight. Finally and for so much more, he has earned my trust and a place in my heart. Bravo!

*the audience applauses while the band plays music to his exit off the award stage*

Technologically Frustrated

Well day two and  I am trying to figure this blog thing out! Not working. It kind of makes it hard to start a new project in the while being a full time student, working, volunteering and trying to live a life. Or maybe that is my life? Anyway sad to say, blogger has not exactly woo'd me. I came across tumblr, thanks to my dear friend Taryn and their flashing colorful pages are luring me to join them. Blogger you may soon be abandoned if I don't start getting what I want out of you.

Blogger rant fulfilled. (Sigh)

The new obsession on my mind is the study abroad program offered at SUU. I am meeting with an advisor tomorrow and the butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. I feel excited by it, leaving the country all alone, what an adventure. But on the other hand, how TERRIFYING??!! I have to step out of my comfortable bubble. I have to find my adventures, I can't expect it to fall on my lap. Adventure...Here I come.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Well here goes nothing! I decided I was SO over Facebook and want to share and record my thoughts in a different way. All the online blog help sites say "pick a topic and stick to it". Well in my case I will probably talk about a lot of topics that touch my life. Expect the unexpected, cliche but true. I want to share my life and my stories. As my Grandpa would say,  I am sharing my "Chapters". Like chapters in my life book. Hence the appropriate blog template. My first post...just like stepping out into a the great unknown...Who knows what will follow?