So here's a mini food diary for the past couple of weeks. I tried to be chronological but my motivation ran out. Sorry. Also I would like to apologize in advance for not turning some of the pictures the correct way. Copy and past previous excuse and place here.
This is called a Mozartkugel, if you ever come to Austria it is mandatory that you eat one of these, because Austria is the birth place of Mozart.
This is what my friend called a Bosnian or maybe it was Bulgarian Hot Dog. It is some sort of wiener with fresh onions and curry powder sprinkled on top. Awesome.
I made it to a grocery store and I bought myself some supplies. I made up some sort of chicken, broccoli pasta. It was so good...first home cooked meal in Austria.
I bought this at the local grocery store bakery. It looked so gross that I just had to buy it to see how it tasted. Guys it was soo good. That pink fluff is strawberry flavored whipped cream and it wasn't artificially flavored. It tasted like actual strawberries! Then they wrapped it up in a crepe pancake thing, drizzled it with chocolate. Best thing ever.
After a little trip to the grocery store this is what I picked up. Doppelkek Rolls, maracuja yogurt, and off brand Nutella. Guys everything here is quality, even the cheap generic brands. And I can't stop eating those doppelkek cookies... I literally can't stop.
In the International group we have been having parties featuring food from home countries. Well one night was Korean night and my friend Kim made these. They are Tuna, corn and onion cakes. Sounds strange but so delicious! She told me how she did it and I made them myself for dinner the other night. Easy and inexpensive.
This is some sort of Kosher Jewish treat. It's like a home made fig newton. It was pretty good, as good as a home made fig newton can get. 50 cents and I have no regrets
Bought it at a cafe in the old WW2 Jewish ghetto in Venice, Italy. |
On the island of Lido right off of Venice. This is where you will find the best priced gelato and some beautiful beaches to eat them on. This is mint chocolate chip gelato. Amazing.
That look on my face says, "I'm gonna eat SO much gelato in the next 24 hours" and I did... |
This is Chocolate, can't go wrong with a classic. But if you are ever in Italy and looking at all the chocolates go for the ones that really go look fancy, they have a better chocolate taste, at least that was my experience.
Mmm Chocolate.
This one was called Nutella. I had high hopes for it..but I was let down. It was my last day and I was not willing to leave on a poor note. Hence my last gelato...
Cremino...ohh my goodness. It was wonderful..beautiful! I should have gotten two scoops. (though the boat ride following would have punished me for it)
Pizza, you have to get pizza when you go to Italy right?
Well I accidentally ordered pepperoni pizza, not what I had intended. But my friend ordered a great pizza with fresh herbs and tomatoes (uncooked) on top. We wound up trading pizzas. The oh so classic Italian waiters were kind enough to box the leftovers so we could finish it on the night train.
Delicious dinner courtesy of Planet Restaurant in Venice, Italy. |
Well there was so much more but those were basically the highlights. Lately I have been on a sandwich kick so maybe I'll start documenting them so I can share the warm and comforting food love.